This page describes the technical aspect of the Datafeed Service where
porting events are made available via FTP or SFTP.
Upon initial service activation, a client will be given access to an FTP or SFTP host. The datafeed server will contain an initial snapshot file containing the state of all
ports at a given point in time. This is used to prime a client's internal systems.
File naming convention
DY[DDMMYY].txt.gz (daily) or
WK[DDMMYY].txt.gz (weekly)
So as an example a daily delta file on the 28 Jan 2022 would be
File content
The initial and delta files contain rows in ACSII format. Each row is a porting event that contains exactly 3 fields each delimited by a comma ",". These fields are an Action Indicator, a
and a CAC.
- A = Add, means a newly ported number (only A's will appear in the initial snapshot file)
- C = Change, means a number that's been ported in the past and has now been ported again
- D = Delete, means a number has been returned to the original allocated carrier
Here's a
delta file (unzipped for convenience) for